0dbe03a3 by sayhoChun

horfix) additional development

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662 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="1170:1320" ph="SELECT E.eve... " />
663 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="1456:1519" ph="SELECT COUNT... tblStaffBoard" />
664 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="1766:1910" ph="SELECT sBoar... " />
665 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="2168:2407" ph="SELECT notic... " />
666 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="2553:2782" ph="SELECT event... " />
667 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="2916:3157" ph="SELECT sBoar... " />
668 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="3384:3597" ph="SELECT C.*, tblComment" />
669 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="4580:5150" ph="INSERT INTO `tblNotice`... " />
670 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="5296:5854" ph="INSERT INTO `tblEvent`... " />
671 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="6016:6584" ph="INSERT INTO `tblStaffBoard`... " />
672 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="6791:7126" ph="UPDATE `tblN... " />
673 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="7272:7600" ph="UPDATE `tblE... " />
674 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="7762:8101" ph="UPDATE `tblS... " />
675 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="8439:8508" ph="UPDATE tblNo... " />
676 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="8593:8660" ph="UPDATE tblEv... " />
677 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="8755:8842" ph="UPDATE tblSt... " />
678 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="8969:9038" ph="SELECT COUNT... tblOrganizationCert" />
679 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="9222:9309" ph="SELECT * FRO... tblOrganizationCert" />
680 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="9475:9553" ph="SELECT * FRO... tblOrganizationCert" />
681 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="9946:10101" ph="INSERT INTO tblOrganizationCert... " />
682 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="10212:10334" ph="UPDATE tblOr... " />
683 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="10722:10879" ph="INSERT INTO tblVehicleSpecification... " />
684 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="10722:10906" ph="INSERT INTO tblVehicleSpecification... " />
685 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="10907:10944" ph="UPDATE conte... " />
686 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="10907:10983" ph="UPDATE conte... " />
687 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="11173:11211" ph="SELECT * FRO... tblVehicleSpecification" />
688 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="11173:11229" ph="SELECT * FRO... tblVehicleSpecification" />
689 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="11418:11493" ph="UPDATE tblOr... " />
690 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="11571:11701" ph="SELECT COUNT... tblCustomerService" />
691 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="11885:12051" ph="SELECT CS.*,... tblCustomerService" />
692 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="12197:12320" ph="SELECT CS.*,... tblCustomerService" />
693 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="12491:12702" ph="INSERT INTO tblComment... " />
694 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="12790:12876" ph="UPDATE tblCo... " />
695 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="13077:13149" ph="UPDATE tblCu... " />
696 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="13278:13504" ph="SELECT C.*, tblComment" />
697 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="13673:13744" ph="SELECT COUNT... tblProductionPortrait" />
698 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="13932:14037" ph="SELECT ppNo,... tblProductionPortrait" />
699 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="14199:14261" ph="SELECT * FRO... tblProductionPortrait" />
700 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="14425:14487" ph="SELECT * FRO... tblProductionPortrait" />
701 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="16341:17716" ph="INSERT INTO `tblProductionPortrait`... " />
702 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="16341:17722" ph="INSERT INTO `tblProductionPortrait`... " />
703 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="17828:18715" ph="UPDATE `tblP... " />
704 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="17828:18721" ph="UPDATE `tblP... " />
705 <marker date="1507620104942" expanded="true" signature="18935:19010" ph="UPDATE tblPr... " />
706 </folding>
707 </state>
708 </provider>
709 </entry>
710 <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/common/classes/ApiStatic.php">
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714 <folding>
715 <marker date="1507616978297" expanded="true" signature="278:356" ph="SELECT * FRO... tblKCSpecialVehicleInfo" />
716 <marker date="1507616978297" expanded="true" signature="514:595" ph="SELECT * FRO... tblOrganizationCert" />
717 <marker date="1507616978297" expanded="true" signature="749:824" ph="SELECT * FRO... tblVehicleSpecification" />
718 <marker date="1507616978297" expanded="true" signature="1018:1096" ph="SELECT * FRO... tblOrganizationCert" />
719 <marker date="1507616978297" expanded="true" signature="1239:1435" ph="SELECT imgPa... tblMain" />
720 <marker date="1507616978297" expanded="true" signature="1589:1687" ph="SELECT title... tblNotice" />
721 <marker date="1507616978297" expanded="true" signature="1841:1937" ph="SELECT title... tblEvent" />
722 <marker date="1507616978297" expanded="true" signature="2094:2232" ph="SELECT facto... tblKCSpecialVehicleInfo" />
723 <marker date="1507616978297" expanded="true" signature="2393:2483" ph="SELECT facto... tblKCSpecialVehicleInfo" />
724 <marker date="1507616978297" expanded="true" signature="2707:2912" ph="SELECT vehic... tblVehicle" />
725 <marker date="1507616978297" expanded="true" signature="3131:3194" ph="SELECT * FRO... tblVehicle" />
726 <marker date="1507616978297" expanded="true" signature="3347:3450" ph="SELECT `prov... tblZipProvince" />
727 <marker date="1507616978297" expanded="true" signature="3606:3676" ph="SELECT * FRO... tblCompanyProductType" />
728 <marker date="1507616978297" expanded="true" signature="3825:3876" ph="SELECT * FRO... tblASEmergency" />
729 <marker date="1507616978297" expanded="true" signature="4072:4172" ph="SELECT userN... tblUser" />
730 <marker date="1507616978297" expanded="true" signature="5080:5154" ph="SELECT * FRO... tblSchedule" />
731 </folding>
732 </state>
733 </provider>
734 </entry>
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736 <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor">
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739 <folding>
740 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="277:363" ph="SELECT COUNT... tblNotice" />
741 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="526:643" ph="SELECT notic... tblNotice" />
742 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="884:944" ph="SELECT * FRO... tblNotice" />
743 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="1103:1187" ph="SELECT COUNT... tblEvent" />
744 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="1346:1460" ph="SELECT event... tblEvent" />
745 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="1692:1749" ph="SELECT * FRO... tblEvent" />
746 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="1834:1970" ph="SELECT COUNT... tblComment" />
747 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="2127:2369" ph="SELECT C.*, tblComment" />
748 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="2671:2721" ph="SELECT COUNT... tblBoard" />
749 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="2860:2920" ph="SELECT COUNT... tblCustomerService" />
750 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="3533:3891" ph="INSERT INTO tblBoard... " />
751 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="4511:4631" ph="SELECT COUNT... tblBoard" />
752 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="4794:4968" ph="SELECT B.boa... tblBoard" />
753 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="5299:5449" ph="SELECT B.*, tblBoard" />
754 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="5532:5731" ph="SELECT COUNT... tblComment" />
755 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="5888:6130" ph="SELECT C.*, tblComment" />
756 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="6921:7217" ph="UPDATE tblBo... " />
757 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="7375:7430" ph="UPDATE tblBo... " />
758 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="7592:7666" ph="SELECT COUNT... tblComment" />
759 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="7883:7947" ph="SELECT * fro... tblStaffBoard" />
760 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="7883:7969" ph="SELECT * FRO... tblStaffBoard" />
761 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="7883:7970" ph="SELECT * FRO... tblStaffBoard" />
762 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="7883:7987" ph="SELECT * FRO... tblStaffBoard" />
763 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="7883:7989" ph="SELECT * FRO... tblStaffBoard" />
764 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="8687:9227" ph="INSERT INTO tblStaffBoard... " />
765 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="9360:9401" ph="UPDATE tblSt... " />
766 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="9360:9446" ph="UPDATE tblSt... " />
767 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="9360:9479" ph="UPDATE tblSt... " />
768 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="9360:9492" ph="UPDATE tblSt... " />
769 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="9360:9546" ph="UPDATE tblSt... " />
770 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="9360:9547" ph="UPDATE tblSt... " />
771 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="9360:9601" ph="UPDATE tblSt... " />
772 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="9360:9709" ph="UPDATE tblSt... " />
773 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="9360:9763" ph="UPDATE tblSt... " />
774 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="10066:10118" ph="SELECT * FRO... tblStaffBoard" />
775 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="10744:11115" ph="INSERT INTO tblCustomerService... " />
776 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="11734:12034" ph="UPDATE tblCu... " />
777 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="12184:12243" ph="UPDATE tblCu... " />
778 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="12988:13117" ph="SELECT COUNT... tblCustomerService" />
779 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="13280:13449" ph="SELECT CS.*,... tblCustomerService" />
780 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="13785:13943" ph="SELECT CS.*,... tblCustomerService" />
781 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="14043:14195" ph="SELECT COUNT... tblComment" />
782 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="14346:14585" ph="SELECT U.use... tblComment" />
783 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="15360:15442" ph="SELECT COUNT... tblCompany" />
784 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="15613:15844" ph="SELECT compa... tblCompany" />
785 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="15663:15736" ph="SELECT abbre... tblZipProvince" />
786 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="16193:16287" ph="SELECT C.* F... tblCompany" />
787 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="16370:16508" ph="SELECT COUNT... tblComment" />
788 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="16634:16878" ph="SELECT U.use... tblComment" />
789 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="17591:17857" ph="INSERT INTO tblComment... " />
790 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="17952:18042" ph="UPDATE tblCo... " />
791 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="18172:18262" ph="SELECT gOrde... tblComment" />
792 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="18446:18565" ph="UPDATE tblCo... " />
793 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="18619:18946" ph="INSERT INTO tblComment... " />
794 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="19130:19331" ph="SELECT *, (S... tblComment" />
795 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="19151:19199" ph="SELECT nickN... tblUser" />
796 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="19219:19265" ph="SELECT userN... tblUser" />
797 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="19544:19623" ph="UPDATE tblCo... " />
798 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="19790:20072" ph="UPDATE tblCo... " />
799 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="19883:19970" ph="SELECT comme... *" />
800 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="19909:19933" ph="SELECT * FRO... tblComment" />
801 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="19990:20070" ph="SELECT depth... *" />
802 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="20009:20033" ph="SELECT * FRO... tblComment" />
803 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="22798:24779" ph="INSERT INTO tblProductionSpec... " />
804 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="24987:25108" ph="SELECT COUNT... tblProductionSpec" />
805 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="25272:25448" ph="SELECT produ... tblProductionSpec" />
806 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="26268:26360" ph="SELECT COUNT... tblProductionSpec" />
807 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="26532:26677" ph="SELECT produ... tblProductionSpec" />
808 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="27091:27356" ph="SELECT PS.*,... tblProductionSpec" />
809 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="27134:27220" ph="SELECT userN... tblLike" />
810 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="27654:27754" ph="INSERT INTO tblLike... " />
811 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="28014:28093" ph="DELETE FROM " />
812 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="28304:28484" ph="SELECT COUNT... tblProductionSpec" />
813 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="28651:28888" ph="SELECT PS.pr... tblProductionSpec" />
814 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="29248:29339" ph="SELECT COUNT... tblProductionPortrait" />
815 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="29502:29629" ph="SELECT ppNo,... tblProductionPortrait" />
816 <marker date="1507621262445" expanded="true" signature="29861:29940" ph="SELECT * FRO... tblProductionPortrait" />
817 </folding>
818 </state>
819 </provider>
820 </entry>
821 </component>
822 </project>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
No preview for this file type
...@@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ ...@@ -170,6 +170,9 @@
170 case "EV": 170 case "EV":
171 echo "이벤트"; 171 echo "이벤트";
172 break; 172 break;
173 case "SM":
174 echo "직원/영업사원 전용게시판";
175 break;
173 } 176 }
174 ?> 177 ?>
175 </h1> 178 </h1>
...@@ -184,6 +187,9 @@ ...@@ -184,6 +187,9 @@
184 case "EV": 187 case "EV":
185 echo "이벤트"; 188 echo "이벤트";
186 break; 189 break;
190 case "SM":
191 echo "직원/영업사원 전용게시판";
192 break;
187 } 193 }
188 ?> 194 ?>
189 </span> 195 </span>
...@@ -112,8 +112,10 @@ ...@@ -112,8 +112,10 @@
112 <? 112 <?
113 if($_REQUEST["boardType"] == "NO") 113 if($_REQUEST["boardType"] == "NO")
114 echo "공지사항"; 114 echo "공지사항";
115 else if($_REQUEST["boardType"] == "EV")
116 echo "이벤트";
115 else 117 else
116 echo "이벤트" 118 echo "직원/영업사원 전용게시판";
117 ?> 119 ?>
118 > 120 >
119 <span><? 121 <span><?
...@@ -227,6 +227,18 @@ ...@@ -227,6 +227,18 @@
227 </td> 227 </td>
228 </tr> 228 </tr>
229 <tr> 229 <tr>
230 <th style="height:25px;">하위메뉴</th>
231 <td class="l">
232 <select name="productionType">
233 <option value="WB" <?=$info["productionType"] == "WB"?"selected" : ""?>>윙바디</option>
234 <option value="UW" <?=$info["productionType"] == "UW"?"selected" : ""?>>상승윙바디</option>
235 <option value="FW" <?=$info["productionType"] == "FW"?"selected" : ""?>>냉동윙바디</option>
236 <option value="FC" <?=$info["productionType"] == "FC"?"selected" : ""?>>냉동컨테이저/탑</option>
237 <option value="SP" <?=$info["productionType"] == "SP"?"selected" : ""?>>특수차량</option>
238 </select>
239 </td>
240 </tr>
241 <tr>
230 <th style="height:25px;">카테고리</th> 242 <th style="height:25px;">카테고리</th>
231 <td> 243 <td>
232 <select id="category"> 244 <select id="category">
1 <?php
2 /**
3 * Created by PhpStorm.
4 * User: p
5 * Date: 2017-10-10
6 * Time: 오후 3:10
7 */
8 ?>
11 <? include $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/common/classes/AdminBoard.php" ?>
12 <? include $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/admin/inc/php/header.php" ?>
13 <? include $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/admin/inc/php/leftBoardManage.php" ?>
14 <?
15 $obj = new AdminBoard($_REQUEST, "");
16 $info = $obj->getInfoOfVehicleSpecification();
18 $rurl = pack("H*", $_REQUEST["rurl"]) ;
19 ?>
20 <script src="/admin/inc/fileUpload/fileUploadJS.js"></script>
21 <script type="text/javascript">
22 var _rurl = "<?=$rurl?>";
23 var _no = "<?=$_REQUEST[no]?>";
25 $(document).ready(function(){
27 initFileUpload(101);
29 //=====프레입웤 변수들==================================================================================//
30 var FORM_TARGET_CLS_NM = ".data" ; // 폼을 동적 wrap 할 타겟 ID이름
31 var FORM_NAME = "alf" ; // 폼이름
32 var FORM_METHOD = "POST" ; // 폼 메쏘드
33 var FORM_USE_FILE = false ; // 파일폼 사용 여부
34 var FORM_ACTION = "/action_front.php" ;
37 var NEXT_CMD = "" ; // 다은 수행 할 cmd
38 //=====================================================================================================//
40 var jForm = $(FORM_TARGET_CLS_NM).mf({ "name" : FORM_NAME , "method" : FORM_METHOD , "action" : FORM_ACTION , "useFile" : FORM_USE_FILE }) ;
42 $(".jCancel").click2(function(){
43 location.href = _rurl;
44 });
47 $(".jSave").click2(function(){
48 if(confirm("내용을 저장하시겠습니까?")){
49 $("#jData").ajaxSubmit({
50 url:"/action_front.php?cmd=AdminBoard.saveVehicleSpecification",
51 type : "post",
52 forceSync : true,
53 dataType : "json",
54 success : function(data){
55 alert(data.returnMessage);
56 location.href = _rurl;
57 }
59 });
60 }
62 });
64 }) ;
66 </script>
68 <div id="Contents" class="notice">
70 <h1>특장 제원표</h1>
72 <!-- location area -->
73 <h2>
74 게시물관리 > <span>특장 제원표</span>
75 </h2>
76 <!-- location area -->
79 <div class="data" style="width:80%;">
81 <form id="jData" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
82 <table class="datav" style="width:100%;">
83 <colgroup>
84 <col width="10%" />
85 <col width="90%" />
86 </colgroup>
87 <tr>
88 <th style="height:25px;">내용</th>
89 <td class="l">
90 <textarea name="content" rows="7" style="width:90%;resize:vertical;"><?=$info["content"]?></textarea>
91 </td>
92 </tr>
94 <tr>
95 <th style="height:25px;">이미지</th>
96 <td class="l">
97 <?
98 $fileIndex = "101";
99 $fileName = "imgPath1";
100 $filePath = ($info["imgPath1"] == "" ? "" : $info["imgPath1"]);
101 //$fileNumber = ($shopImgList[0]["no"] == "" ? "0" : $shopImgList[0]["no"]);
102 include $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/admin/inc/fileUpload/fileUpload.php";
103 ?>
104 <input type="hidden" name="imgPath1" value="<?=$info["imgPath1"]?>" />
105 </td>
106 </tr>
107 </table>
108 </form>
110 <div class="btngroupcenter">
111 <!-- <span class="button bigrounded blue jCancel">취소 </span>-->
112 <span class="button bigrounded blue jSave" >저장</span>
113 </div>
115 </div>
116 </div>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -29,10 +29,18 @@ $(document).ready(function(){ ...@@ -29,10 +29,18 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
29 <a href="/admin/boardManage/certificateList.php">기관인정서</a> 29 <a href="/admin/boardManage/certificateList.php">기관인정서</a>
30 </li> 30 </li>
31 31
32 <li matchUrl="/admin/boardManage/vehicleSpecification.php">
33 <a href="/admin/boardManage/vehicleSpecification.php">특장 제원표</a>
34 </li>
32 <li matchUrl="/admin/boardManage/productionPortrait.php"> 36 <li matchUrl="/admin/boardManage/productionPortrait.php">
33 <a href="/admin/boardManage/productionPortrait.php">제작사진</a> 37 <a href="/admin/boardManage/productionPortrait.php">제작사진</a>
34 </li> 38 </li>
35 39
40 <li matchUrl="/admin/boardManage/boardList.php">
41 <a href="/admin/boardManage/boardList.php?boardType=SM">직원/영업사원 전용게시판</a>
42 </li>
36 </ul> 44 </ul>
37 45
38 46
...@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ $(document).ready(function(){ ...@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
25 <a href="/admin/userManage/userManagerList.php">직원</a> 25 <a href="/admin/userManage/userManagerList.php">직원</a>
26 </li> 26 </li>
27 27
28 <li matchUrl="/admin/userManage/userSalesList.php">
29 <a href="/admin/userManage/userSalesList.php">영업사원</a>
30 </li>
28 </ul> 31 </ul>
29 32
30 33
...@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() { ...@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
150 else if ($(this).attr("style") == "background: rgb(255, 113, 113);") 150 else if ($(this).attr("style") == "background: rgb(255, 113, 113);")
151 $("[name=isAvail][value=-1]").prop("checked", true); 151 $("[name=isAvail][value=-1]").prop("checked", true);
152 else 152 else
153 $("[name=isAvail][value=0]").prop("checked", true); 153 $("[name=isAvail][value=1]").prop("checked", true);
154 154
155 targetDate = $(this).attr("data-date"); 155 targetDate = $(this).attr("data-date");
156 156
...@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ function myFunction(pageY, pageX) { ...@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ function myFunction(pageY, pageX) {
287 <br><br><br> 287 <br><br><br>
288 <input type=radio name="isAvail" value="1" style="float:left;"/>제작 가능<br><br> 288 <input type=radio name="isAvail" value="1" style="float:left;"/>제작 가능<br><br>
289 <input type=radio name="isAvail" value="-1" style="float:left;"/>제작 불가능<br><br> 289 <input type=radio name="isAvail" value="-1" style="float:left;"/>제작 불가능<br><br>
290 <input type=radio name="isAvail" value="0" checked style="float:left;"/>없음<br> 290 <!-- <input type=radio name="isAvail" value="0" checked style="float:left;"/>없음<br>-->
291 <span style="text-align:center; width:100%; display:inline-block; margin-top: 20px;"> 291 <span style="text-align:center; width:100%; display:inline-block; margin-top: 20px;">
292 <button class="jSave" style="width: 35%; background-color: #8C8C8C; border : none; color:#FFFFFF; border-radius: 5px;">저장</button> 292 <button class="jSave" style="width: 35%; background-color: #8C8C8C; border : none; color:#FFFFFF; border-radius: 5px;">저장</button>
293 <button class="jClose" style="width: 35%; background-color: #8C8C8C; border : none; color:#FFFFFF; border-radius: 5px;">닫기</button> 293 <button class="jClose" style="width: 35%; background-color: #8C8C8C; border : none; color:#FFFFFF; border-radius: 5px;">닫기</button>
1 <?php
2 /**
3 * Created by PhpStorm.
4 * User: p
5 * Date: 2017-10-10
6 * Time: 오후 1:48
7 */
8 ?>
10 <? include $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/common/classes/AdminUser.php" ?>
11 <? include $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/admin/inc/php/header.php" ?>
12 <? include $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/admin/inc/php/leftUserManage.php" ?>
13 <?
14 $obj = new AdminUser($_REQUEST) ;
16 $list = $obj->getListOfSales() ;
17 $vnum = $obj->virtualNum ;
19 //echo json_encode($list);
20 ?>
21 <script>
23 $(document).ready(function(){
25 //=====프레입웤 변수들==================================================================================//
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32 var NEXT_CMD = "" ; // 다은 수행 할 cmd
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40 jForm.mi("page",$(this).attr("page")) ;
41 jForm.submit() ;
42 }) ;
45 $(".jAutoSearch").change(function(){
46 jForm.ci() ;
47 jForm.submit() ;
48 });
51 $(".jSearch").click2(function(){
52 jForm.ci() ;
53 jForm.submit() ;
54 });
56 $(".jViewUser").click2(function(){
57 var no = $(this).attr("no");
58 location.href = "/admin/userManage/userSalesView.php?isMS=0&no=" + no + "&rurl=" + jQuery.rich.bin2hex(document.URL);
59 });
61 // 회원 탈퇴
62 $(".jDelUser").click2(function(){
63 var no = $(this).attr("no");
64 var noArr = new Array(no);
65 if(confirm("정말 삭제하시겠습니까?"))
66 {
67 deleteUser(noArr);
68 }
69 }) ;
71 $(".jAdd").click2(function(){
72 location.href="/admin/userManage/userSalesView.php?"+"rurl="+jQuery.rich.bin2hex(document.URL);
73 }) ;
76 // 단체 삭제
77 $(".jDelUserMulti").click2(function(){
80 var noArr = new Array();
81 var noCount = $(".jUserNo:checked").length;
83 if(noCount == 0)
84 {
85 alert("삭제할 관리자를 하나 이상 선택해주세요.");
86 return false;
87 }
90 if(confirm("정말 삭제하시겠습니까?"))
91 {
92 for(var i = 0; i < noCount; i++ )
93 {
94 noArr[i] = $(".jUserNo:checked:eq(" + i + ")").val();
95 }
97 deleteUser(noArr);
98 }
100 });
102 $(".jInitialize").click2(function(){
104 var no = $(this).attr("no");
105 if(confirm("초기화를 하시겠습니까? \n변경 후 수정은 불가능합니다")){
106 $.ajax({
107 url : "/action_front.php?cmd=AdminUser.initializePwd",
108 async : false,
109 cache : false,
110 dataType : "json",
111 data : {
112 "userNo" : no
113 },
114 success : function(data){
115 alert(data.returnMessage);
116 location.reload();
117 /*
118 if(_no != "")
119 location.reload();
120 else
121 location.href = _rurl;
122 */
123 }
124 });
125 }
126 });
128 $(".jBtnMS").click2(function(){
129 var no = $(this).attr("no");
130 var member_type = $(this).attr("member_type");
132 $.ajax({
133 url : "/action_front.php?cmd=AdminUser.processRequestMemberShipUser",
134 async : false,
135 cache : false,
136 dataType : "json",
137 data : {
138 "no" : no
139 , "member_type" : member_type
140 },
141 success : function(data){
142 alert(data.returnMessage);
143 location.reload();
144 }
145 });
146 });
149 $("#jCheckAll").change(function(){
150 if($(this).is(":checked"))
151 $(".jUserNo").prop("checked", true);
152 else
153 $(".jUserNo").prop("checked", false);
154 });
156 }) ;
160 function deleteUser(noArr)
161 {
162 $.ajax({
163 url : "/action_front.php?cmd=AdminUser.deleteUser",
164 async : false,
165 cache : false,
166 dataType : "json",
167 data : {
168 "no" : noArr
169 },
170 success : function(data){
171 alert("삭제되었습니다");
172 location.reload();
173 }
174 });
175 }
179 </script>
182 <div id="Contents" class="notice">
184 <h1>영업사원</h1>
186 <div class="data">
187 <fieldset class="search">
189 <div class="jSearchArea" >
191 <label>
192 <span>조회 조건</span>
193 <select name="searchType">
194 <option value="">전체 </option>
195 <option value="userName" <?=$_REQUEST["searchType"] == "userName" ? "SELECTED" : ""?>>이름</option>
196 <option value="userID" <?=$_REQUEST["searchType"] == "userID" ? "SELECTED" : ""?>>아이디</option>
197 <option value="nickName" <?=$_REQUEST["searchType"] == "nickName" ? "SELECTED" : ""?>>닉네임</option>
198 </select>
199 <input type="text" id="searchText" name="searchText" class="wm" value="<?=$_REQUEST['searchText']?>" />
200 </label>
202 <input type="button" class="button smallgrounded blue jSearch btnright_y" value="검색" />
203 </div>
205 </fieldset>
208 <div class="btngroupright">
209 <input type="button" class="button smallrounded blue jAdd" value="등록" />
210 <input type="button" class="button smallrounded blue jDelUserMulti" value="삭제" />
211 </div>
213 <table class="datacList">
214 <thead>
215 <tr>
216 <th class="no" width="5%">No</th>
217 <th width="2%"><input type="checkbox" id="jCheckAll"></th>
218 <th width="6%">이름</th>
219 <th width="10%">아이디</th>
220 <th width="10%">닉네임</th>
221 <th width="10%">전화번호</th>
222 <th width="6%">비밀번호 <br>초기화</th>
223 </tr>
224 </thead>
225 <tbody><!-- 10줄 리스트// 마지막 tr에 class="last" 넣어주세요 -->
226 <? for($i=0; $i<sizeof($list); $i++){ ?>
227 <tr class="<?=(sizeof($list)-1 == $i) ? "last" : "datacLists"?>">
228 <td class="no center">
229 <?=$vnum--?>
230 </td>
232 <td class="center">
233 <input type="checkbox" class="jUserNo" value="<?=$list[$i]["userNo"] ?>" >
234 </td>
235 <td class="center">
236 <?=$list[$i]["userName"]?>
237 </td>
238 <td class="center">
239 <?=$list[$i]["userID"]?>
240 </td>
241 <td class="center">
242 <?=$list[$i]["nickName"]?>
243 </td>
244 <td class="center">
245 <?=$list[$i]["userTel"]?>
246 </td>
247 <td class="center">
248 <input type="button" class="button searchsmall white jInitialize" value="초기화" no="<?=$list[$i]["userNo"]?>" />
249 </td>
250 </tr>
251 <? } ?>
252 <?if(sizeof($list) == 0){?>
253 <tr class="last">
254 <td class="no center" colspan="11">No Data</td>
255 </tr>
256 <?}?>
257 </tbody>
258 </table>
260 <!-- Pagination -->
261 <? include $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/admin/inc/php/pageNavigation.php" ?>
262 <!--//Pagination -->
264 </div>
266 <div id="jDialogArea" style="display:none;">
267 <table class="datav" style="width:100%;">
268 <tr>
269 <th style="height:25px; width:70px;">포인트</th>
270 <td>
271 <input type="input" id="jAddHeartPoint" value="" style="width:100%;"/>
272 </td>
273 </tr>
274 </table>
275 </div>
277 </div>
279 <? include $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/admin/inc/php/footer.php" ?>
1 <?php
2 /**
3 * Created by PhpStorm.
4 * User: p
5 * Date: 2017-10-10
6 * Time: 오후 1:56
7 */
8 ?>
11 <? include $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/common/classes/AdminUser.php" ?>
12 <? include $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/admin/inc/php/header.php" ?>
13 <? include $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/admin/inc/php/leftUserManage.php" ?>
14 <?
15 $obj = new AdminUser($_REQUEST, "");
16 //$userInfo = $obj->getInfoOfUser();
18 $rurl = pack("H*", $_REQUEST["rurl"]) ;
19 ?>
20 <script language="javascript">
21 var _rurl = "<?=$rurl != "" ? $rurl : 0?>";
22 var _no = "<?=$_REQUEST[no] != "" ? $_REQUEST[no] : 0?>";
25 $(document).ready(function(){
27 $(".jCancel").click2(function(){
28 location.href = _rurl;
29 });
32 $(".jDelUser").click2(function(){
33 var noArr = new Array(_no);
35 if(confirm("정말 삭제하시겠습니까?"))
36 {
37 deleteUser(noArr);
38 }
39 });
41 $( '[name=userID]' ).live("blur keyup", function() {
42 $(this).val( $(this).val().replace( /[ㄱ-ㅎ|ㅏ-ㅣ|가-힣]/g, '' ) );
43 });
45 $( '[name=userPwd]' ).live("blur keyup", function() {
46 $(this).val( $(this).val().replace( /[ㄱ-ㅎ|ㅏ-ㅣ|가-힣]/g, '' ) );
47 });
51 $(".jAdd").click2(function(){
52 var data = $("#jData").serialize();
54 var userID=$("[name=userID]").val();
55 var userPwd=$("[name=userPwd]").val();
56 var userName=$("[name=userName]").val();
57 var nickName=$("[name=nickName]").val();
58 var userTel1=$("[name=userTel1]").val();
59 var userTel2=$("[name=userTel2]").val();
60 var userTel3=$("[name=userTel3]").val();
61 if(userID=="" || userPwd=="" || userName=="" || nickName=="" || userTel1=="" || userTel1=="" || userTel1==""){
62 alert(" 항목을 모두 입력해 주십시오");
63 return;
64 }
66 if(userID.length<6){
67 alert("아이디는 영문+숫자조합 6자리 이상이어야 합니다");
68 return;
69 }
71 if(userPwd.length<4){
72 alert("비밀번호는 영문+숫자조합 4자리 이상이어야 합니다");
73 return;
74 }
76 if(confirm("영업사원 회원 계정을 등록하시겠습니까?")){
77 $.ajax({
78 url : "/action_front.php?cmd=AdminUser.saveSalesman",
79 async : false,
80 cache : false,
81 dataType : "json",
82 data : data,
83 success : function(data){
84 alert(data.returnMessage);
85 if(data.returnCode == "1")
86 location.href=_rurl;
88 /*
89 if(_no != "")
90 location.reload();
91 else
92 location.href = _rurl;
93 */
94 }
95 });
96 }
99 });
101 $(".jCheckIDRedundancy").click2(function(){
102 var data = $("#jData").serialize();
103 $.ajax({
104 url : "/action_front.php?cmd=AdminUser.checkIDRedundancy",
105 async : false,
106 cache : false,
107 dataType : "json",
108 data : data,
109 success : function(data){
110 alert(data.returnMessage);
111 }
112 });
114 });
116 $(".jCheckNickRedundancy").click2(function(){
117 var data = $("#jData").serialize();
118 $.ajax({
119 url : "/action_front.php?cmd=AdminUser.checkNickRedundancy",
120 async : false,
121 cache : false,
122 dataType : "json",
123 data : data,
124 success : function(data){
125 alert(data.returnMessage);
126 }
127 });
129 });
133 }) ;
137 function deleteUser(noArr)
138 {
139 $.ajax({
140 url : "/action_front.php?cmd=AdminUser.deleteUser",
141 async : false,
142 cache : false,
143 dataType : "json",
144 data : {
145 "no" : noArr
146 },
147 success : function(data){
148 //alert("삭제되었습니다");
149 location.href = _rurl;
150 }
151 });
152 }
154 </script>
156 <div id="Contents" class="notice">
158 <h1>영업사원 등록</h1>
160 <!-- location area -->
161 <h2>
162 회원 관리 > 영업사원 > <span>등록</span>
163 </h2>
164 <!-- location area -->
166 <form id="jData">
167 <div class="jData" style="width:50%;">
168 <table class="datav" style="width:100%;">
169 <colgroup>
170 <col width="30%" />
171 <col width="70%" />
172 </colgroup>
173 <tr>
174 <th style="height:25px;">아이디</th>
175 <td >
176 <input name="userID" type="text" style="width:200px"/>
177 <span class="button bigrounded blue jCheckIDRedundancy" style="color:white; width:70px">&nbsp;중복확인&nbsp;</span>
178 </td>
179 </tr>
180 <tr>
181 <th style="height:25px;">비밀번호</th>
182 <td >
183 <input name="userPwd" type="text" style="width:200px"/>
184 </td>
185 </tr>
186 <tr>
187 <th style="height:25px;">영업사원명</th>
188 <td class="l">
189 <input name="userName" type="text" style="width:200px" />
190 </td>
191 </tr>
192 <tr>
193 <th style="height:25px;">닉네임</th>
194 <td class="l">
195 <input name="nickName" type="text" style="width:200px" />
196 <span class="button bigrounded blue jCheckNickRedundancy" style="color:white; width:70px">&nbsp;중복확인&nbsp;</span>
197 </td>
198 </tr>
199 <tr>
200 <th style="height:25px;">전화번호</th>
201 <td class="l">
202 <input name="userTel1" type="text" style="width:50px"/>&nbsp; - &nbsp;<input name="userTel2" type="text" style="width:50px"/>&nbsp; - &nbsp;<input name="userTel3" type="text" style="width:50px"/>
203 </td>
204 </tr>
206 </table>
208 <div class="btngroupcenter">
209 <span class="button bigrounded blue jAdd">등록</span>
210 </div>
212 </div>
213 </form>
214 </div>
...@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ if(!class_exists("AdminPush")){ ...@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ if(!class_exists("AdminPush")){
123 123
124 function sendAdminPush() 124 function sendAdminPush()
125 { 125 {
126 $push_msg = $this->req["pushMessage"]; 126 $push_msg = $this->req["push_msg"];
127 $push_code = $this->getBulkPushCode(); 127 $push_code = $this->getBulkPushCode();
128 $push_succeed=0; 128 $push_succeed=0;
129 129
...@@ -144,7 +144,6 @@ if(!class_exists("AdminPush")){ ...@@ -144,7 +144,6 @@ if(!class_exists("AdminPush")){
144 $push_succeed = $result["rn"]; 144 $push_succeed = $result["rn"];
145 145
146 146
147 $push_msg = $this->req["pushMessage"];
148 147
149 // 푸시 전송 148 // 푸시 전송
150 $params = Array( 149 $params = Array(
...@@ -360,11 +360,8 @@ if(!class_exists("AdminUser")){ ...@@ -360,11 +360,8 @@ if(!class_exists("AdminUser")){
360 $login_type = $this->admUser["admin_type"]; 360 $login_type = $this->admUser["admin_type"];
361 $target_fk = $this->admUser["target_fk"]; 361 $target_fk = $this->admUser["target_fk"];
362 362
364 $where = " WHERE status = 1 AND userType=2"; 363 $where = " WHERE status = 1 AND userType=2";
365 364
368 if($searchType == "userName"){ 365 if($searchType == "userName"){
369 $where.=" AND userName LIKE '%{$searchText}%'"; 366 $where.=" AND userName LIKE '%{$searchText}%'";
370 } 367 }
...@@ -379,7 +376,62 @@ if(!class_exists("AdminUser")){ ...@@ -379,7 +376,62 @@ if(!class_exists("AdminUser")){
379 $where.=" AND userNo=0"; 376 $where.=" AND userNo=0";
380 } 377 }
381 378
379 if($this->req["page"] != "-1")
380 {
381 //최초 페이지 설정
382 $this->initPage() ;
384 $sql = "
386 FROM tblUser U
387 {$where}
388 ";
390 $this->rownum = $this->getValue($sql, 'rn');
392 //총 로우수를 획득후 페이지 최종 설정
393 $this->setPage($this->rownum) ;
382 394
395 $limit = " LIMIT {$this->startNum}, {$this->endNum} ; ";
396 }
398 $sql = "
400 U.*
401 FROM tblUser U
402 {$where}
403 ORDER BY U.regDate DESC
404 {$limit}
405 ";
407 $result = $this->getArray($sql);
409 //echo json_encode($result);
410 return $result;
411 }
413 function getListOfSales(){
414 $searchText = $this->req["searchText"];
415 $searchType=$this->req["searchType"];
417 $login_type = $this->admUser["admin_type"];
418 $target_fk = $this->admUser["target_fk"];
420 $where = " WHERE status = 1 AND userType=3";
422 if($searchType == "userName"){
423 $where.=" AND userName LIKE '%{$searchText}%'";
424 }
425 if($searchType == "userID"){
426 $where.=" AND userID LIKE '%{$searchText}%'";
427 }
428 if($searchType == "nickName"){
429 $where.=" AND nickName LIKE '%{$searchText}%'";
430 }
432 if($searchText=="" && $searchType != ""){
433 $where.=" AND userNo=0";
434 }
383 435
384 if($this->req["page"] != "-1") 436 if($this->req["page"] != "-1")
385 { 437 {
...@@ -525,6 +577,70 @@ if(!class_exists("AdminUser")){ ...@@ -525,6 +577,70 @@ if(!class_exists("AdminUser")){
525 return $this->makeResultJson(1, "등록되었습니다"); 577 return $this->makeResultJson(1, "등록되었습니다");
526 } 578 }
527 579
580 function saveSalesman(){
581 $userID=$this->req["userID"];
582 $userPwd=md5($this->req["userPwd"]);
583 $userName=$this->req["userName"];
584 $nickName=$this->req["nickName"];
585 $userTel1=$this->req["userTel1"];
586 $userTel2=$this->req["userTel2"];
587 $userTel3=$this->req["userTel3"];
589 $userTel=$userTel1.$userTel2.$userTel3;
591 $sql="
592 SELECT *
593 FROM tblUser
594 WHERE userID='{$userID}' AND status=1
595 LIMIT 0, 1
596 ";
597 $result=$this->getRow($sql);
599 if($result != null)
600 return $this->makeResultJson(-100, "사용할 수 없는 아이디 입니다");
602 $sql="
603 SELECT *
604 FROM tblUser
605 WHERE nickName='{$nickName}' AND status=1
606 LIMIT 0, 1
607 ";
608 $result=$this->getRow($sql);
610 if($result != null)
611 return $this->makeResultJson(-100, "사용할 수 없는 닉네임 입니다");
613 $sql="
614 INSERT INTO `tblUser`
615 (
616 `userType`,
617 `userID`,
618 `userPwd`,
619 `userName`,
620 `nickName`,
621 `userTel`,
622 `push`,
623 `status`,
624 `regDate`)
626 (
627 3,
628 '{$userID}',
629 '{$userPwd}',
630 '{$userName}',
631 '{$nickName}',
632 '{$userTel}',
633 1,
634 1,
635 NOW());
636 ";
638 $this->update($sql);
641 return $this->makeResultJson(1, "등록되었습니다");
642 }
528 644
529 645
530 646
...@@ -443,8 +443,8 @@ if(! class_exists("ApiBase") ) { ...@@ -443,8 +443,8 @@ if(! class_exists("ApiBase") ) {
443 $Upload = new UploadUtil(); 443 $Upload = new UploadUtil();
444 $uploadResult = $Upload->uploadOneFile($_FILES["file"], $this->fileSavePath, "", true); 444 $uploadResult = $Upload->uploadOneFile($_FILES["file"], $this->fileSavePath, "", true);
445 445
446 $logData = "Api : fileUpload // file : {$_FILES["file"]["name"]} //uploadResult : {$uploadResult["returnMessage"]} // returnCode : {$uploadResult["returnCode"]} // savePath : {$uploadResult["fileInfo"]["savePath"]} // re_name : {$uploadResult["fileInfo"]["re_name"]}"; 446 // $logData = "Api : fileUpload // file : {$_FILES["file"]["name"]} //uploadResult : {$uploadResult["returnMessage"]} // returnCode : {$uploadResult["returnCode"]} // savePath : {$uploadResult["fileInfo"]["savePath"]} // re_name : {$uploadResult["fileInfo"]["re_name"]}";
447 LogUtil::writeFileLog($this->logPath, $logData); 447 // LogUtil::writeFileLog($this->logPath, $logData);
448 448
449 if( $uploadResult['returnCode'] == "1" ){ 449 if( $uploadResult['returnCode'] == "1" ){
450 450
...@@ -304,6 +304,89 @@ if (! class_exists("ApiBoard")) ...@@ -304,6 +304,89 @@ if (! class_exists("ApiBoard"))
304 return $this->makeResultJson("1", "삭제되었습니다"); 304 return $this->makeResultJson("1", "삭제되었습니다");
305 } 305 }
306 306
307 //직원/영업사원 전용 게시판 리스트
308 function getListOfStaffBoard(){
309 $sql="
310 SELECT COUNT(*) rn FROM tblStaffBoard WHERE status=1 ORDER BY regDate DESC
311 ";
312 $cnt = $this->getValue($sql, "rn");
313 $this->rownum=$cnt;
315 $this->initPageForDevice();
316 $this->setPageForDevice($this->rownum);
318 $sql="
319 SELECT * FROM tblStaffBoard WHERE status=1 ORDER BY regDate DESC
320 LIMIT {$this->startNum}, {$this->endNum}
321 ";
323 $result = $this->getArray($sql);
325 return $this->makeResultJson(1, "", $result, Array("totalCount"=>$cnt));
326 }
328 //직원/영업사원 전용 게시물 작성 및 수정
329 function saveStaffBoard(){
330 $no = $this->req["no"];
332 $userNo = $this->appUser["no"];
333 $title = $this->req["title"];
334 $content = $this->req["content"];
335 $imgPath1 = $this->req["imgPath1"];
336 $imgPath2 = $this->req["imgPath2"];
337 $imgPath3 = $this->req["imgPath3"];
338 $imgPath4 = $this->req["imgPath4"];
339 $imgPath5 = $this->req["imgPath5"];
341 if($no == ""){
342 $sql="
343 INSERT INTO tblStaffBoard(userFk, title, content, imgPathSBoard1, imgPathSBoard2, imgPathSBoard3, imgPathSBoard4, imgPathSBoard5, status, regDate)
345 (
346 '{$userNo}',
347 '{$title}',
348 '{$content}',
349 '{$imgPath1}',
350 '{$imgPath2}',
351 '{$imgPath3}',
352 '{$imgPath4}',
353 '{$imgPath5}',
354 1,
355 NOW()
356 )
357 ";
359 $retMsg = "등록되었습니다";
360 }
361 else{
362 $sql="
363 UPDATE tblStaffBoard
364 SET
365 title = '{$title}',
366 content = '{$content}',
367 imgPathSBoard1 = '{$imgPath1}',
368 imgPathSBoard2 = '{$imgPath1}',
369 imgPathSBoard3 = '{$imgPath1}',
370 imgPathSBoard4 = '{$imgPath1}',
371 imgPathSBoard5 = '{$imgPath1}',
372 ";
373 $retMsg = "수정되었습니다";
374 }
376 $this->update($sql);
378 return $this->makeResultJson(1,$retMsg);
379 }
381 //직원/영업사원 전용 게시물 상세정보
382 function getInfoOfStaffBoard(){
383 $no = $this->req["no"];
384 $sql=" SELECT * FROM tblStaffBoard WHERE sBoardNo = '{$no}'";
385 $result = $this->getRow($sql);
387 return $this->makeResultJson(1, "", $result);
388 }
307 //고객센터 게시물 저장 390 //고객센터 게시물 저장
308 function saveCS(){ 391 function saveCS(){
309 // $imgResult = $this->inFn_Common_fileSave($_FILES); 392 // $imgResult = $this->inFn_Common_fileSave($_FILES);
...@@ -584,8 +667,8 @@ if (! class_exists("ApiBoard")) ...@@ -584,8 +667,8 @@ if (! class_exists("ApiBoard"))
584 $content=$this->req["content"]; 667 $content=$this->req["content"];
585 $parentNo=$this->req["parentNo"]; //부모 댓글의 기본키 668 $parentNo=$this->req["parentNo"]; //부모 댓글의 기본키
586 669
587 $logData = "Api : saveComment // userFk : {$userFk} "; 670 // $logData = "Api : saveComment // userFk : {$userFk} ";
588 LogUtil::writeFileLog($this->logPath, $logData); 671 // LogUtil::writeFileLog($this->logPath, $logData);
589 672
590 673
591 if(empty($parentNo)){ //부모가 없을 때 674 if(empty($parentNo)){ //부모가 없을 때
...@@ -1019,10 +1102,18 @@ if (! class_exists("ApiBoard")) ...@@ -1019,10 +1102,18 @@ if (! class_exists("ApiBoard"))
1019 } 1102 }
1020 1103
1021 function getListOfProductionPortrait(){ 1104 function getListOfProductionPortrait(){
1105 $type = $this->req["type"];
1107 $where = "WHERE status=1";
1109 if($type)
1110 $where.=" AND productionType = '{$type}'";
1022 $sql=" 1113 $sql="
1023 SELECT COUNT(*) AS rn 1114 SELECT COUNT(*) AS rn
1024 FROM tblProductionPortrait 1115 FROM tblProductionPortrait
1025 WHERE status=1 1116 {$where}
1026 ORDER BY regDate DESC 1117 ORDER BY regDate DESC
1027 "; 1118 ";
1028 $this->initPageForDevice(); 1119 $this->initPageForDevice();
...@@ -1034,7 +1125,7 @@ if (! class_exists("ApiBoard")) ...@@ -1034,7 +1125,7 @@ if (! class_exists("ApiBoard"))
1034 $sql=" 1125 $sql="
1035 SELECT ppNo, title, regDate 1126 SELECT ppNo, title, regDate
1036 FROM tblProductionPortrait 1127 FROM tblProductionPortrait
1037 WHERE status=1 1128 {$where}
1038 ORDER BY regDate DESC 1129 ORDER BY regDate DESC
1039 LIMIT {$this->startNum}, {$this->endNum} 1130 LIMIT {$this->startNum}, {$this->endNum}
1040 "; 1131 ";
...@@ -32,6 +32,17 @@ if (! class_exists("ApiStatic")){ ...@@ -32,6 +32,17 @@ if (! class_exists("ApiStatic")){
32 return $this->makeResultJson("1", "", $list); 32 return $this->makeResultJson("1", "", $list);
33 } 33 }
34 34
35 function getVehicleSpecification(){
36 $sql="
38 FROM tblVehicleSpecification
39 WHERE specNo='1'
40 ";
41 $result = $this->getRow($sql);
43 return $this->makeResultJson(1, "", $result);
44 }
35 function getInfoOfOrganizationCert(){ 46 function getInfoOfOrganizationCert(){
36 $certNo=$this->req["certNo"]; 47 $certNo=$this->req["certNo"];
37 $sql=" 48 $sql="
...@@ -54,6 +54,28 @@ if (! class_exists("AdminBoard")){ ...@@ -54,6 +54,28 @@ if (! class_exists("AdminBoard")){
54 $result=$this->getArray($sql); 54 $result=$this->getArray($sql);
55 return $result; 55 return $result;
56 } 56 }
58 else if($boardType == "SM"){
59 $sql="
61 FROM tblStaffBoard
62 WHERE status=1
63 ";
64 $this->initPage();
65 $this->rownum=$this->getValue($sql, 'rn');
66 $this->setPage($this->rownum);
67 $limit=" LIMIT {$this->startNum}, {$this->endNum} ;";
69 $sql="
70 SELECT sBoardNo AS no, title, DATE_FORMAT(regDate, '%Y%m%d') AS regDate
71 FROM tblStaffBoard
72 WHERE status=1
73 ORDER BY regDate DESC
74 {$limit}
75 ";
76 $result=$this->getArray($sql);
77 return $result;
78 }
57 } 79 }
58 80
59 function getInfoOfBoard(){ 81 function getInfoOfBoard(){
...@@ -79,6 +101,16 @@ if (! class_exists("AdminBoard")){ ...@@ -79,6 +101,16 @@ if (! class_exists("AdminBoard")){
79 $result=$this->getRow($sql); 101 $result=$this->getRow($sql);
80 return $result; 102 return $result;
81 } 103 }
104 else if($boardType == "SM"){
105 $sql="
106 SELECT sBoardNo AS no, title, imgPathSBoard1 AS imgPath1, imgPathSBoard2 AS imgPath2, imgPathSBoard3 AS imgPath3, imgPathSBoard4 AS imgPath4, imgPathSBoard5 AS imgPath5, content, regDate
107 FROM tblStaffBoard
108 WHERE sBoardNo='{$boardNo}'
109 ";
111 $result=$this->getRow($sql);
112 return $result;
113 }
82 } 114 }
83 115
84 function getListOfEComment($boardNo){ 116 function getListOfEComment($boardNo){
...@@ -173,6 +205,35 @@ if (! class_exists("AdminBoard")){ ...@@ -173,6 +205,35 @@ if (! class_exists("AdminBoard")){
173 $this->update($sql); 205 $this->update($sql);
174 return $this->makeResultJson(1, "이벤트가 저장되었습니다"); 206 return $this->makeResultJson(1, "이벤트가 저장되었습니다");
175 } 207 }
208 else if($boardType == "SM"){
209 $sql="
210 INSERT INTO `tblStaffBoard`
211 (
212 `title`,
213 `imgPathSBoard1`,
214 `imgPathSBoard2`,
215 `imgPathSBoard3`,
216 `imgPathSBoard4`,
217 `imgPathSBoard5`,
218 `content`,
219 `status`,
220 `regDate`)
222 (
223 '{$title}',
224 '{$imgPath1}',
225 '{$imgPath2}',
226 '{$imgPath3}',
227 '{$imgPath4}',
228 '{$imgPath5}',
229 '{$content}',
230 1,
231 NOW()
232 );
233 ";
234 $this->update($sql);
235 return $this->makeResultJson(1, "직원/영업사원 전용 게시물이 저장되었습니다");
236 }
176 } 237 }
177 else{ 238 else{
178 if($boardType=="NO"){ 239 if($boardType=="NO"){
...@@ -207,6 +268,22 @@ if (! class_exists("AdminBoard")){ ...@@ -207,6 +268,22 @@ if (! class_exists("AdminBoard")){
207 $this->update($sql); 268 $this->update($sql);
208 return $this->makeResultJson(1, "이벤트가 수정되었습니다"); 269 return $this->makeResultJson(1, "이벤트가 수정되었습니다");
209 } 270 }
271 else if($boardType == "SM"){
272 $sql="
273 UPDATE `tblStaffBoard`
274 SET
275 `title` = '{$title}',
276 `imgPathSBoard1` = '{$imgPath1}',
277 `imgPathSBoard2` = '{$imgPath2}',
278 `imgPathSBoard3` = '{$imgPath3}',
279 `imgPathSBoard4` = '{$imgPath4}',
280 `imgPathSBoard5` = '{$imgPath5}',
281 `content` = '{$content}'
282 WHERE `sBoardNo` = '{$no}';
283 ";
284 $this->update($sql);
285 return $this->makeResultJson(1, "직원/영업사원 전용 게시물이 수정되었습니다");
286 }
210 } 287 }
211 } 288 }
212 289
...@@ -231,6 +308,14 @@ if (! class_exists("AdminBoard")){ ...@@ -231,6 +308,14 @@ if (! class_exists("AdminBoard")){
231 "; 308 ";
232 $this->update($sql); 309 $this->update($sql);
233 } 310 }
311 else if($boardType == "SM"){
312 $sql="
313 UPDATE tblStaffBoard
314 SET status = 0
315 WHERE `sBoardNo` IN({$noStr})
316 ";
317 $this->update($sql);
318 }
234 319
235 } 320 }
236 321
...@@ -303,6 +388,37 @@ if (! class_exists("AdminBoard")){ ...@@ -303,6 +388,37 @@ if (! class_exists("AdminBoard")){
303 } 388 }
304 } 389 }
305 390
391 //특장 제원표 저장
392 function saveVehicleSpecification(){
393 $imgResult = $this->inFn_Common_fileSave($_FILES);
394 $imgPathSpec = $imgResult["imgPath1"]["saveURL"] != "" ? $imgResult["imgPath1"]["saveURL"] : $this->req["imgPath"];
396 $content = $this->req["content"];
398 $sql="
399 INSERT INTO tblVehicleSpecification(specNo, content, imgPath1)
400 VALUES (
401 1,
402 '{$content}',
403 '{$imgPathSpec}'
404 )
406 content='{$content}',
407 imgPath1 = '{$imgPathSpec}'
408 ";
410 $this->update($sql);
412 return $this->makeResultJson(1, "저장되었습니다");
413 }
415 //특장 제원표 정보
416 function getInfoOfVehicleSpecification(){
417 $sql="SELECT * FROM tblVehicleSpecification WHERE specNo = '1'";
418 $result = $this->getRow($sql);
419 return $result;
420 }
306 function deleteCert(){ 422 function deleteCert(){
307 $noArr = $this->req["no"]; 423 $noArr = $this->req["no"];
308 424
...@@ -466,6 +582,7 @@ if (! class_exists("AdminBoard")){ ...@@ -466,6 +582,7 @@ if (! class_exists("AdminBoard")){
466 582
467 function saveProductionPortrait(){ 583 function saveProductionPortrait(){
468 $ppNo=$this->req["no"]; 584 $ppNo=$this->req["no"];
585 $productionType = $this->req["productionType"];
469 $title=$this->req["title"]; 586 $title=$this->req["title"];
470 $content1=$this->req["content1"]; 587 $content1=$this->req["content1"];
471 $content2=$this->req["content2"]; 588 $content2=$this->req["content2"];
...@@ -495,6 +612,7 @@ if (! class_exists("AdminBoard")){ ...@@ -495,6 +612,7 @@ if (! class_exists("AdminBoard")){
495 $sql=" 612 $sql="
496 INSERT INTO `tblProductionPortrait` 613 INSERT INTO `tblProductionPortrait`
497 ( 614 (
615 `productionType`,
498 `title`, 616 `title`,
499 `content1`, 617 `content1`,
500 `content2`, 618 `content2`,
...@@ -521,6 +639,7 @@ if (! class_exists("AdminBoard")){ ...@@ -521,6 +639,7 @@ if (! class_exists("AdminBoard")){
521 ) 639 )
523 ( 641 (
642 '{$productionType}',
524 '{$title}', 643 '{$title}',
525 '{$content1}', 644 '{$content1}',
526 '{$content2}', 645 '{$content2}',
...@@ -553,6 +672,7 @@ if (! class_exists("AdminBoard")){ ...@@ -553,6 +672,7 @@ if (! class_exists("AdminBoard")){
553 $sql=" 672 $sql="
554 UPDATE `tblProductionPortrait` 673 UPDATE `tblProductionPortrait`
555 SET 674 SET
675 `productionType` = '{$productionType}',
556 `title` = '{$title}', 676 `title` = '{$title}',
557 `content1` = '{$content1}', 677 `content1` = '{$content1}',
558 `content2` = '{$content2}', 678 `content2` = '{$content2}',
...@@ -389,8 +389,8 @@ if (! class_exists("Common")) ...@@ -389,8 +389,8 @@ if (! class_exists("Common"))
389 389
390 if($resPhone == "" && $resPhone == "") 390 if($resPhone == "" && $resPhone == "")
391 { 391 {
392 $logData = "Api : sendSMS // reqPhone : {$reqPhone} //resPhone : {$resPhone} // 발송실패"; 392 // $logData = "Api : sendSMS // reqPhone : {$reqPhone} //resPhone : {$resPhone} // 발송실패";
393 LogUtil::writeFileLog($this->logPath, $logData); 393 // LogUtil::writeFileLog($this->logPath, $logData);
394 return false; 394 return false;
395 } 395 }
396 396
...@@ -413,8 +413,8 @@ if (! class_exists("Common")) ...@@ -413,8 +413,8 @@ if (! class_exists("Common"))
413 $returnMsg = $sms->errMsg; 413 $returnMsg = $sms->errMsg;
414 } 414 }
415 415
416 $logData = "Api : sendSMS // reqPhone : {$reqPhone} //resPhone : {$resPhone} // 메세지 : {$sendStr} // 발송여부 : {$returnMsg} // 잔여정보 : {$smsInfo}"; 416 // $logData = "Api : sendSMS // reqPhone : {$reqPhone} //resPhone : {$resPhone} // 메세지 : {$sendStr} // 발송여부 : {$returnMsg} // 잔여정보 : {$smsInfo}";
417 LogUtil::writeFileLog($this->logPath, $logData); 417 // LogUtil::writeFileLog($this->logPath, $logData);
418 418
419 return $retunrVal; 419 return $retunrVal;
420 } 420 }
...@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ if(! class_exists("Constants") ) ...@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ if(! class_exists("Constants") )
27 var $fileSaveUrl_480 = "/480/" ; 27 var $fileSaveUrl_480 = "/480/" ;
28 28
29 29
30 var $dbHost = "" ; 30 var $dbHost = "" ;
31 var $dbName = "kcSpecialVehicle" ; 31 var $dbName = "kcSpecialVehicle" ;
32 var $dbUser = "root" ; 32 var $dbUser = "root" ;
33 var $dbPass = "$#@!richware7" ; 33 var $dbPass = "$#@!richware7" ;
...@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ if(! class_exists("Push") ) { ...@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ if(! class_exists("Push") ) {
9 public $pushNo = "" ; 9 public $pushNo = "" ;
10 public $pushBadge = "0"; 10 public $pushBadge = "0";
11 11
12 private $gcm_key = "AIzaSyB2dCs0PHflZYKnlrhF5bNZl_z7FYRYqfY" ; // 동네 12 private $gcm_key = "AAAA9dR5CVk:APA91bHRB85BDeqQkl4hR5FU_9aYxQQGxoMFRrbEwdZrKbPidsFJbYhwzLuy6hYtrB4jR1JzagNhf00OIrJd00NdMH9QhSPAzAg9tkzk2AWQ6LISQKXor5aK-N9czVVxfuD3HDm6X4Cg" ; // 동네
13 private $gcm_key2 = "AIzaSyBmoURv31T4FLmsf_SwoLRRZRijktAMzO0"; // 직장 13 private $gcm_key2 = "AIzaSyBmoURv31T4FLmsf_SwoLRRZRijktAMzO0"; // 직장
14 //private $gcm_key = "AIzaSyB2dCs0PHflZYKnlrhF5bNZl_z7FYRYqfY"; 14 //private $gcm_key = "AIzaSyB2dCs0PHflZYKnlrhF5bNZl_z7FYRYqfY";
15 15
...@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ if(! class_exists("LoginUtil")){ ...@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ if(! class_exists("LoginUtil")){
136 $map['name'] = $aUser[3] ; 136 $map['name'] = $aUser[3] ;
137 $map['userType'] = $aUser[4] ; 137 $map['userType'] = $aUser[4] ;
138 $map['userTel'] = $aUser[5] ; 138 $map['userTel'] = $aUser[5] ;
139 $map['deviceTypeID']= $aUeser[6]; 139 $map['deviceTypeID']= $aUser[6];
140 } 140 }
141 $aUser = explode(chr(self::$spliter),$cookieStr); 141 $aUser = explode(chr(self::$spliter),$cookieStr);
142 142
...@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ if(! class_exists("LoginUtil")){ ...@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ if(! class_exists("LoginUtil")){
146 $map['name'] = $aUser[3] ; 146 $map['name'] = $aUser[3] ;
147 $map['userType'] = $aUser[4] ; 147 $map['userType'] = $aUser[4] ;
148 $map['userTel'] = $aUser[5] ; 148 $map['userTel'] = $aUser[5] ;
149 $map['deviceTypeID']= $aUeser[6]; 149 $map['deviceTypeID']= $aUser[6];
150 150
151 if( LoginUtil::isAppLogin() == false ) 151 if( LoginUtil::isAppLogin() == false )
152 { 152 {